✌️Web3 Lean Management 🛠️

Lean Management is a holistic approach that strives for operational excellence by optimizing processes, eliminating waste, and enhancing efficiency.

Lean principles find renewed relevance. Its ultimate goal is to deliver value to end-users and maximize resource utilization, aligning seamlessly with the dynamic nature of Web3 projects. 🚀💡🔄

1. The vision toolkit

  • Quick Vision Diagnostic Tool: Evaluate your core team's understanding of the project with a rapid diagnostic tool. Identify areas of alignment and divergence to better focus your efforts. You can do it alone but the best is to do it with your team. 🔍

📊 I diagnose my vision and define an action plan

  • Vision Workshop Kit: Use our ready-to-go workshop kit to facilitate discussions and define a common vision. This kit will help you harness the collective intelligence of your team and foster alignment. 🧰🗣️

I organize a Vision workshop with my core contributors

  • Notion Template: Anchor and manage your vision with ease using our Notion template. It provides a structured framework for regular vision updates and progress tracking. 📋📈🚀

I want to build my vision and follow my OKRS in Notion

2. Integrate the 5 pillars of Lean in your web3 management

  1. Elimination of Waste (Muda) 🗑️:

Definition 📜: The cornerstone of Lean Management, Muda refers to identifying and getting rid of any unnecessary elements in processes, just like cleaning up your closet to make room for what truly matters.

Exemple 💼: Aave, the DeFi lending protocol, identified gas fees on the Ethereum network as a significant source of waste. They implemented a gas optimization strategy that allowed users to interact with the protocol without incurring high transaction fees. This initiative aims at reducing waste in the form of gas fees. You can read more about it here.

  1. Value Creation 🌟:

Definition 🌍: Lean focuses on providing value to the end-user or customer by understanding their true needs, much like a chef tailoring a dish to a diner's preferences.

Exemple 🍔: Uniswap, a leading decentralized exchange on Ethereum, is renowned for its user-centric approach. By prioritizing user experience and customization, they have created a platform where users can easily trade a variety of tokens. Uniswap's commitment to value creation for its users is evident in its interface and features. Explore more about Uniswap blog here.

  1. Streamlining Value Flow 🚀:

  • Definition 🌊: This means mapping out the path of value delivery, like navigating a river, to uncover inefficiencies and roadblocks.

  • Exemple ⛵: Chainlink, a decentralized oracle network, has mapped out and streamlined the flow of real-world data to smart contracts. By doing so, they have significantly improved the efficiency and reliability of decentralized applications that depend on external data sources. You can find further insights in this Chainlink documentation to see how they improved the process of many clients with their Oracles.

  1. Pull System (The Waiter's Approach) 🍽️:

Definition 🤷‍♂️: Rather than pre-plating meals, a waiter takes orders and serves only what's requested. Similarly, the Pull System

Exemple 🍕: Avalanche, a Web3 platform, has adopted a pull model through its Avalanche Rush campaign. This campaign incentivizes liquidity providers based on the actual demand for their assets, rather than pre-allocating rewards. By responding to user demand, Avalanche minimizes overproduction and keeps assets active. Learn more about it here.

  1. Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) 🎯:

Definition 🌟: Kaizen encourages continuous improvement and innovation. Imagine it as upgrading your smartphone's apps for better functionality.

Exemple 📱: Polkadot, a multi-chain network, embraces continuous improvement by upgrading its interoperability features. The team regularly releases enhancements to create a more seamless experience for developers and users. Explore their ongoing improvements on the Polkadot blog.

3. Organize your first Genba Tour

Your most effective move is to kickstart the continuous improvement journey with a Genba Tour.

A Genba Tour is a practice where managers or leaders visit the workplace to gain firsthand insight into operations, identify issues, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Access to the presentation

4. Set-up your web3 Lean action plan around the 5 pillars

We're moving from observation to execution as we introduce our Lean Web3 action plan, designed to help you excel in all five key pillars. 🏗️💡

Download the document here

5. To go further, try the GROW model

These questions are your torchlight in the dense forest of decision-making. Under each stage of the GROW model, delve into these questions with your team.

For instance, kickstart the Goal phase by asking, "What is the primary goal of our Web3 project?" 🎯 or delve into the Reality phase with "What major technical challenges are we currently facing?" 💻. These questions are designed to ignite insightful discussions, unveiling a clear roadmap towards your goal.

But wait, there's more! The charm of these questions lies in their versatility. They are tailored for the Web3 domain yet flexible to adapt to your project's unique needs. So, as you venture into the decentralized wild, let the GROW model be your guide, and the list of questions your toolkit, carving a clear trail amidst the blockchain boulders.

Dialogue exemple :

In a flourishing startup, Mr. Block, after conducting a Genba Tour, discovers a technical hiccup in the Web3 project Ms. Chain is spearheading. Armed with a fresh perspective from the Genba Tour, Mr. Block engages Ms. Chain in a GROW model-based dialogue.

G for Goal:

Mr. Block: "Ms. Chain, post my Genba Tour, it’s evident that resolving the smart contract bug is pivotal. Our goal is to fix this glitch to ensure seamless user interactions. How do you perceive this goal?"

Ms. Chain: "Absolutely, Mr. Block. It's a critical goal that aligns with our mission to provide a flawless decentralized platform."

Commentary: Establishing a precise goal rooted in real-time observations lays a strong foundation for the forthcoming discourse. It aligns the focus towards a common objective, making the problem-solving journey coherent and targeted. 🎯

R for Reality:

Mr. Block: "Given the current scenario, what challenges are you facing in addressing this issue?"

Ms. Chain: "The bug is a bit complex and requires a deeper understanding of the smart contract interactions. Plus, the documentation available is sparse."

Commentary: Acknowledging the reality brings forth the hurdles faced, creating a platform for candid discussion and constructive feedback. It’s a step closer to understanding the gap between the current reality and the desired goal. 🧩

O for Options:

Mr. Block: "What could be our potential avenues to tackle this bug and ensure such issues are mitigated in the future?"

Ms. Chain: "Engaging a smart contract expert for a thorough review and enhancing our documentation process could be viable options."

Commentary: Discussing options fosters a problem-solving mindset. It broadens the scope of solutions, instigating a collaborative effort towards resolving the issues at hand. 🔄

W for Will:

Mr. Block: "I value your suggestions, Ms. Chain. How would you prioritize and action these steps to rectify the bug and improve our processes?"

Ms. Chain: "I'll initiate an expert review immediately, parallelly working on improving our documentation for better clarity and future reference."

Commentary: The 'Will' phase epitomizes commitment and a forward-action plan. It’s about taking the helm of the problem, with a concrete plan, marching towards the goal. 🛣️

Link to download the document

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